{% import "_includes/forms" as forms %} {% set blockTypeInput %}
{{ "Fields" | t('app') }}
{% for blockTypeId, blockType in blockTypes %}
{% for fieldId, layoutElement in blockTypeFields[blockTypeId] %} {% set field = layoutElement.getField() %}
{% if field.name %} {{ field.name }} {% else %} {{ '(blank)' | t('app') }} {% endif %}
{% if field.handle %} {{ field.handle }} {% else %}   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{{ "New field" | t('app') }}
{{ "Field Settings" | t('app') }}
{% for blockTypeId, blockType in blockTypes %}
{% for fieldId, layoutElement in blockTypeFields[blockTypeId] %} {% set field = layoutElement.getField() %}
{% namespace 'blockTypes[' ~ blockTypeId ~ '][fields][' ~ fieldId ~ ']' %} {% if layoutElement.uid %} {{ hiddenInput('uid', layoutElement.uid) }} {% endif %} {% if field.columnSuffix %} {{ hiddenInput('columnSuffix', field.columnSuffix) }} {% endif %} {{ forms.textField({ label: "Name" | t('app'), id: 'name', name: 'name', value: field.name, errors: field.getErrors('name'), autofocus: true, required: true, }) }} {{ forms.textField({ label: "Handle" | t('app'), id: 'handle', name: 'handle', class: 'code', autocorrect: false, autocapitalize: false, maxlength: 64, value: field.handle, errors: field.getErrors('handle'), required: true, }) }} {{ forms.textareaField({ label: "Instructions" | t('app'), id: 'instructions', class: 'nicetext', name: 'instructions', value: field.instructions, errors: field.getErrors('instructions'), }) }} {% endnamespace %} {{ forms.textField({ label: "Column Width" | t('super-table'), instructions: "Only applies for Table Layout. Set the width for this column in either pixels or percentage. i.e. `10px` or `10%`." | t('super-table'), id: 'columns-' ~ field.uid ~ '-width', name: 'columns[' ~ field.uid ~ '][width]', size: 8, value: supertableField.columns[field.uid].width ?? '', }) }} {% namespace 'blockTypes[' ~ blockTypeId ~ '][fields][' ~ fieldId ~ ']' %} {{ forms.checkboxField({ label: "This field is required" | t('app'), id: 'required', name: 'required', checked: layoutElement.required }) }} {{ forms.checkboxField({ label: "Use this field’s values as search keywords" | t('app'), id: 'searchable', name: 'searchable', checked: field.searchable }) }} {{ forms.selectField({ label: "Field Type" | t('app'), warning: (not field.isNew() and not field.hasErrors('type') ? "Changing this may result in data loss." | t('app')), id: 'type', name: 'type', options: fieldId[0:3] != 'new' ? fieldTypes[fieldId] : fieldTypes.new, value: className(field), errors: field.getErrors('type') ?? null }) }} {% if craft.app.getIsMultiSite() %} {% set translationMethods = field.supportedTranslationMethods %} {% if translationMethods | length > 1 %}
{{ forms.selectField({ label: "Translation Method" | t('app'), id: 'translation-method', name: 'translationMethod', options: [ 'none' in translationMethods ? { value: 'none', label: "Not translatable" | t('app') }, 'site' in translationMethods ? { value: 'site', label: "Translate for each site" | t('app') }, 'siteGroup' in translationMethods ? { value: 'siteGroup', label: "Translate for each site group" | t('app') }, 'language' in translationMethods ? { value: 'language', label: "Translate for each language" | t('app') }, 'custom' in translationMethods ? { value: 'custom', label: "Custom…" | t('app') } ] | filter, value: field.translationMethod, toggle: true, targetPrefix: 'translation-method-' }) }} {% if 'custom' in translationMethods %}
{{ forms.textField({ label: "Translation Key Format" | t('app'), id: 'translation-key-format', name: 'translationKeyFormat', value: field.translationKeyFormat, errors: field.getErrors('translationKeyFormat') }) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endnamespace %}
{% namespace 'blockTypes[' ~ blockTypeId ~ '][fields][' ~ fieldId ~ '][typesettings]' %} {{ field.getSettingsHtml() | raw }} {% endnamespace %}

{{ "Delete" | t('app') }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endset %} {{ hiddenInput('blockTypes', '') }} {{ forms.selectField({ label: "Field Layout" | t('super-table'), instructions: "Set how fields are presented. Table Layout displays fields vertically in a table, Row Layout displays fields horizontally and Matrix layout displays fields like a Matrix field." | t('super-table'), id: 'fieldLayout', name: 'fieldLayout', options: {table: 'Table Layout', row: "Row Layout", matrix: "Matrix Layout"}, value: supertableField.fieldLayout, }) }}
{{ forms.field({ label: "Configuration" | t, instructions: "Define the fields your Super Table should have." | t('super-table'), name: 'config' }, blockTypeInput) }}
{% if craft.app.getIsMultiSite() %} {{ forms.selectField({ label: 'Propagation Method' | t('app'), instructions: 'Which sites should blocks be saved to?' | t('app'), id: 'propagationMethod', name: 'propagationMethod', options: [ { value: 'none', label: 'Only save blocks to the site they were created in' | t('app') }, { value: 'siteGroup', label: 'Save blocks to other sites in the same site group' | t('app') }, { value: 'language', label: 'Save blocks to other sites with the same language' | t('app') }, { value: 'all', label: 'Save blocks to all sites the owner element is saved in' | t('app') }, { value: 'custom', label: 'Custom…' | t('app') }, ], value: supertableField.propagationMethod, toggle: true, targetPrefix: 'propagation-method-', }) }} {% tag 'div' with { id: 'propagation-method-custom', class: supertableField.propagationMethod != 'custom' ? 'hidden' : null, } %} {{ forms.textField({ label: 'Propagation Key Format' | t('app'), instructions: 'Template that defines the field’s custom “propagation key” format. Blocks will be saved to all sites that produce the same key.' | t('app'), id: 'propagation-key-format', class: 'code', name: 'propagationKeyFormat', value: supertableField.propagationKeyFormat, errors: supertableField.getErrors('propagationKeyFormat'), }) }} {% endtag %} {% if supertableField.id and supertableField.propagationMethod != 'none' %} {% js %} (function() { var showingWarning = false; $("#{{ 'propagationMethod' | namespaceInputId }}").on('change', function() { if ($(this).val() !== '{{ supertableField.propagationMethod }}') { if (!showingWarning) { $('

', {'class': 'warning', text: "{{ 'Applying this change to existing blocks can take some time.' | t('app') | e('js') }}"}) .appendTo($("#{{ 'propagationMethod-field' | namespaceInputId }}")); showingWarning = true; } } else if (showingWarning) { $("#{{ 'propagationMethod-field' | namespaceInputId }} .warning").remove(); showingWarning = false; } }); })(); {% endjs %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{{ forms.textField({ label: "New Row Label" | t('super-table'), instructions: "Enter the text you want to appear in the button to create a new row." | t('super-table'), id: 'selectionLabel', name: 'selectionLabel', value: supertableField.selectionLabel, placeholder: supertableField.defaultSelectionLabel(), errors: supertableField.getErrors('selectionLabel') }) }} {{ forms.textField({ label: "Min Rows" | t('super-table'), instructions: "The minimum number of rows the field must have." | t('super-table'), id: 'minRows', name: 'minRows', value: supertableField.minRows, size: 3, errors: supertableField.getErrors('minRows') }) }} {{ forms.textField({ label: "Max Rows" | t('super-table'), instructions: "The maximum number of rows the field is allowed to have." | t('super-table'), id: 'maxRows', name: 'maxRows', value: supertableField.maxRows, size: 3, errors: supertableField.getErrors('maxRows') }) }}
{{ forms.lightswitchField({ label: "Static field" | t('super-table'), instructions: "A static field will only display a single row of fields." | t('super-table'), id: 'staticField', name: 'staticField', on: supertableField.staticField, reverseToggle: 'row-settings', }) }}